Chinese Food Styles in North America

Finally, here comes my favorite topic: fooooood! And it is Chinese food in specific, which I’ve been with all my life.

To be honest, it is a very broad concept, as China is a large area with a long history. Chinese food as an entity definitely won’t fit into a 5-7 minutes speech. So today I’ll be focusing on a couple of the most available Chinese food styles here in North America, to make this speech an introduction to food that everybody could go and try.

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Consumerism: the invisible mentor of mine

What an awful title that doesn’t make any sense! Well, good evening dear toastmasters and welcomed guests, let me slow down, and set up some context first.

Consumerism is a social and economic order that encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts. It is infamous for its contribution to materialistic lifestyles and unsustainable development on our planet, thus it is bearing a lot of criticism. However, in my own experience with consumerism, I found it is not all negative. Actually I learned a lot of lessons from it, real and meaningful enough for me to even call it my mentor.

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