It has been a while since I registered this domain name, and I almost forgot about its expiration until I received the reminder from GoDaddy. Well, I don’t have a problem with GoDaddy for managing this domain name, but things are changing so rapidly over these years. It is hard to resist the convenience of having everything in one place.
Basically I followed this instruction to transfer the domain name from GoDaddy to AWS Route53. I ran into some hassles before getting the domain name fully released on GoDaddy’s side, and after that everything worked smoothly.
When checking the bill, I surprisingly noticed that my AWS account actually receives AWS Promotional Credits for Alexa every month, which made it super tempting for me to move the stack for this blog to AWS too. I highly recommend developers getting this credit if you are interested in learning and playing with AWS. It is fairly easy to set up a basic Alexa skill and keep it active, which makes you eligible for receiving this promotional credit. With a little bit of effort, you will be rewarded with $100 monthly credit that can be used on a whole bunch of AWS resources such as EC2, S3, etc. The credit expires every month and thus does not accumulate, but it is well enough to support learning activities and small personal projects.